Labour Research (December 2013)

Equality news

Combating racism

Anti-racism charity Show Racism the Red Card (SRTRC) has teamed up with the TUC’s Unionlearn education and skills arm to combat racism. SRTRC uses top footballers to educate against racism in schools and colleges.

The two organisations signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) committing them to work together.

SRTRC was set up in 1995. Chief executive Ged Grebby said: “Since then we have made great strides in combating racism through anti-racism education, but we still have a long way to go.”

He said the trade union movement was central to combating racism through education.

A second MoU has been signed between Unionlearn and The Age and Employment Network (TAEN).

This commits both organisations to work together to support the employability and career progression of older and mid-life people in the workforce.

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