Labour Research (March 2020)

Law Queries

Time off for antenatal yoga

Q. Am I entitled to paid time off work for pregnancy yoga classes, or just GP and hospital antenatal classes?

A. If you are an employee, then from day one of employment you are entitled to paid time off to “attend at any place for the purpose of receiving ante-natal care”. This can include pregnancy yoga and parenting classes as well as medical check-ups and scans, but it must be “on the advice of” a registered medical practitioner, midwife or nurse.

If you are an agency worker, you must have completed 12 weeks in the same placement to qualify for this right. 

You do not have to provide evidence of the first appointment. But if your employer asks, you must be able to provide a certificate from a medical practitioner, midwife or nurse that you are pregnant and an appointment card or document confirming the date and time.

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