Labour Research (June 2021)

News from LRD

2020 LRD Annual report

The impact of the pandemic on LRD publications, day-to-day operations and finances was set out in the 2020 LRD Annual Report, endorsed at the department’s AGM on 17 May and available on the LRD website.

The LRD Board for 2021-22 is as follows: Bill Taylor (CWU), David Ayrton (NUJ), Helen Donoghue (UCU UCL branch), Joe Simpson (POA), John Medhurst (PCS), Jonathan Jeffries (College of North East London, Trade Union Education Department), Katie Collins (College of Podiatry), Laurence Turner (GMB), Michelle Singleton (UNISON), Rick Graham (Unite), Robert Phillips (NEU), Ron Douglas (RMT London and Anglia Regional Council), Val Stansfield (TSSA).

This information is copyright to the Labour Research Department (LRD) and may not be reproduced without the permission of the LRD.