Labour Research (August 2021)

Equality news

Childcare crisis made worse by pandemic

The crisis in childcare is being exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent childcare closures, according to an analysis of official statistics by the Women’s Budget Group (WBG) organisation that promotes a gender equal economy.

WBG research reveals that over twice as many places (64,173) have been lost during winter lockdowns than in the pandemic’s first six months, with childcare providers “closing at a concerning rate”.

This saw 3.6 times more providers (7,566) closing between september 2020 and March 2021 than between March and August 2020.

In an analysis of data from the Ofsted education inspection body, the WBG shows that in the six months up to March 2021, there were 14,385 fewer childcare places and 3,292 fewer providers in England.

This represents a 4.4% net loss of childcare providers and a 1.1% net loss of childcare places.

The drop is being largely driven by childminders leaving the market.

WBG policy officer Hana Abid said: “The closures, combined with the ongoing affordability crisis, are likely to have an impact on parents’ — especially mothers’ — ability to remain in the jobs.”

Meanwhile, a survey published last month by the TUC and the Mother Pukka parents’ organisation finds that almost two-thirds (63%) of working mums with primary school age children do not have sufficient childcare for the six-week school summer holidays,

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