Labour Research (December 2002)

Features: Law queries

Law queries

Our employer has announced that there are likely to be redundancies. There are a number of unions on site and although the company is willing to consult with all of us it has not provided enough detailed information for us to assess the likely impact of the proposed redundancies on our respective memberships. Can we make the company give us the information we need?

For "meaningful consultation" to take place the law says that your employer has to provide "adequate or sufficient information" to make the process meaningful. It specifically says that this has to include the numbers and descriptions of employees the employer is proposing to make redundant. With this information it would be possible for each union to know what proportion of its membership is likely to be affected.

* More information: Section 188 (4)(c) Trade Union and Labour Relations Act, 1992; LRD booklet, Redundancy law - a trade unionist's guide

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