Labour Research (December 2004)


Work out

Training pack produced by Lesbian and Gay Employment Rights. Available from Anne Hayfield, tel: 020 8555 3709,, price £400 with discounts for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups

This training pack contains resources for delivering training on awareness of the problems faced by lesbians, gay men and bisexuals in the workplace, as well as detailed information on the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations.

The materials were originally developed by the LAGER advice organisation which, due to funding cuts, is no longer operating.

Work Out consists of a video, showing the sometimes shocking workplace harassment of five of LAGER's clients, together with a CD containing written training materials. There are 30 pages of notes for trainers, which include many examples of how the 2003 regulations may work in practice.

The pack provides a useful resource for unions but at £400 it may be necessary to persuade employers to contribute to the cost.

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