Labour Research (August 2005)


Fragmenting work

Blurring organisational boundaries and disordering hierarchies

Mick Marchington, Damian Grimshaw, Jill Rubery and Hugh WIllmott (eds), Oxford University Press, 320 pages, hardback, £65

Through case studies and a literature review, this book looks at the challenges posed by an increasingly fragmented work environment

The key argument is that in many instances there is no longer a simple relationship between employer and employee. Clients, sub-contractors, franchisers and partner companies may all have a significant influence over this relationship.

The researchers are concerned about the issues of accountability and responsibility raised by this fragmentation. They highlight in particular the threat to the "democratic link between citizens and the providers of public services".

However, they also argue that it requires a new approach to employment to ensure fair treatment of workers in regard to their terms and conditions as well as their rights to representation.

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