Workplace Report (April 2006)

Features: Health & safety - HSE monitor

CWU backs HSE campaign on falls from height

Communication workers’ union the CWU is backing a campaign by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on work at height.

HSE figures show that falls from height in the workplace caused 53 deaths and nearly 3,800 serious injuries in 2004-05, with telecom workers among those most at risk.

During the HSE campaign, to run in May and June, the CWU wants to ensure that consultation with employees is encouraged and that safety reps are involved when inspectors visit workplaces.

The union is distributing 1,000 campaign packs – containing a campaign flyer, poster, guidance material, a three-part “toolbox talk” on ladder safety, and a CD-ROM with Powerpoint presentations and video clips – to its safety reps. It will publicise the campaign in its publications and events, and organise speakers to safety reps’ forums.

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