Workplace Report (June 2008)

Health & safety news

Unions give members advice about tick hazards

Unions are backing a warning from the Health Protection Agency and other organisations of the hazards from ticks.

Ticks are tiny insect-like parasites which attach to the skin and feed on blood. They can carry serious debilitating diseases such as Lyme disease and other infections. Ticks are found in woodland, heath and moorland including bracken, particularly in places where deer live.

Health Protection Agency figures show that around 3,000 people a year become infected as a result of tick bites.

The CWU communication workers’ union has issued advice to safety reps, for members who work in areas of higher risk and other members who may be on holiday in the coming months. It recommends the information provided by charities Borreliosis and Associated Diseases Awareness UK (BADA-UK) and Lyme Disease Action.


Lyme Disease Action —

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