Workplace Report (July 2013)

Health & safety - HSE Monitor

Health surveillance a vital part of combating illness

The HSE’s web pages on health and safety in the motor repair industry have been updated.

A vital part of combating ill health at work, health surveillance allows for early identification of ill health and helps identify any corrective action needed.

Health surveillance by management may be required by law if their employees are exposed to noise or vibration, solvents, fumes, dusts, biological agents and other substances hazardous to health, or work in compressed air.

The workforce should be encouraged to get involved in developing and using health surveillance because it is only effective with their co-operation. Workplaces where employees are involved in taking decisions about health and safety are safer and healthier.

Management are legally required to consult all your employees on health and safety matters, including health surveillance. In workplaces where a trade union is recognised this will be through your union health and safety reps.

Employees also have duties under health and safety law, and should understand that health surveillance has been identified for this situation as a statutory requirement; that they must attend their appointments; and what action their employer may take if they refuse to attend.

They are entitled to attend health surveillance appointments within paid working time and the employer must bear the cost.

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