Workplace Report (June 2015)

Health & safety news

Stop exposure to weedkiller

The TUC is calling on employers whose workforces use glysophate to take action to prevent exposure to the weedkiller after the International Agency on Research into Carcinogens (IARC) announced in March 2015 that glyphosate probably caused a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma .

Workers including parks staff, agricultural workers, gardeners and forestry workers use the substance, and those working around them when the herbicide is being applied may also be at risk.

If glysophate gets on the skin it can cause irritation and dermatitis; it can cause oral and throat discomfort if breathed in; eye exposure may lead to conjunctivitis; and if swallowed it may cause corrosion of the throat or lead to kidney or liver failure.

In the light of the new evidence, the TUC says that employers must review their risk assessments, including their “COSHH” assessments.

Where possible, they should consider alternatives to the use of herbicides, but if that is not possible they must investigate whether there are safer herbicides available.

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