Workplace Report (November 2015)

Equality news

HIV guidance

A guide to tackling HIV discrimination at work has been published by the TUC. 

There are more than 107,000 people (2013 estimate) living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the UK, mostly of working age, of whom a quarter are unaware of their status.

Although most who live with HIV in the UK have normal life expectancy and lead fulfilling working lives, a large minority of people are ignorant of the facts. This means people living with HIV can face discrimination and prejudice in the workplace. 

The guide gives some basic facts to help trade unionists deal with issues that might arise. For example it explains how the employer’s policy should make clear that HIV is a disability from the point of diagnosis and gives information about instruction and training for staff and managers. 

Union reps may be called on to help fight discrimination and challenge prejudiced attitudes or support HIV positive members in cases of harassment.

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