Workplace Report (October 2016)

European news

12 million Italians wait on a deal

In Italy, some 12 million employees are covered by collective agreements that have already run out and are waiting to be renegotiated.

The collective agreements include workers in textiles and clothing, tourism, energy and water and parts of the building industry, as well as three million in the public sector and 1.6 million in the metal industry.

The latest official figures, up to the end of August, show that more than two-thirds (68.2%) of Italian workers are waiting for their agreements to be renegotiated and the average length of time they have waited is more than three years (39.2 months).

There are, however, signs that progress is possible in the two largest areas. In metalworking, a series of meetings have been set up for this month which may lead to an agreement. 

In the public sector, where the last pay increase was in 2009, the government has set aside money for a pay increase, but details of the increase have still to be agreed with the relevant unions.

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