Workplace Report (March 2020)

Bargaining news

Success for ISS staff at Homerton Hospital

GMB members, who are low paid ISS staff at Homerton Hospital in London, have used the coronavirus crisis to force an acknowledgement from the outsourcing firm that paying their staff Statutory Sick Pay is unjust and dangerous. 

ISS have committed to guarantee “usual pay” for all staff who are required to self-isolate. 

This is one step further in the GMB’s campaign to get back pay of the London Living Wage they were promised, official written contracts and ultimately to be brought back in-house.

A GMB organiser said: “As the NHS feels the pressure of Covid-19 our members will go the extra mile. This only serves to highlight the injustice of their terrible terms and conditions.”

An ISS worker at Homerton Trust said: “We have no choice but to protest against ISS. They make their money by taking ours and when we’re sick, we have to lose three day’s pay or come into work ill.”

“We feel part of the NHS family and want to be back in-house where we know we’ll be treated with respect.”

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