Workplace Report (November 2001)

Features: Equality

Councils and unions agree work-life balance guidance

Local authority employers and trade unions have agreed guidance on work-life balance that it is hoped will be taken up by councils around the country.

Finding the balance - work life policies in practice provides advice on how to implement measures that allow employees to balance paid work with the rest of their lives, covering issues such as flexibility for caring responsibilities, study and preparation for retirement.

Trade unions have played a key role in producing the guidance. Welcoming the report,Diana Holland, national organiser of the T&G general union, said: "Local authority workers are under unprecedented pressure to modernise and deliver cost-effective services against a background of ever increasing public demand and high levels of expectations.

"Having access, therefore, to proper advice and guidance on achieving a balance between work and life outside of work is essential...This guidance shows how family friendly, lifelong learning and disability equality policies can be delivered alongside enhanced services."

Finding the balance: work-life policies in practice can be downloaded from the Employers' Organisation website at Copies can also be bought from the publications department on 020 7296 6522, £15 for union branches.

* The Labour Research Department recently published Work-life balance - a negotiator's guide, (£3.30); telephone 020 7928 3649 for credit/debit card orders.

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