Labour Research March 2001

Features: Events


* Friday 2: Repetitive Strain Injury - practical workplace management. Conference, London. Organised by IRS. Details: 020 7420 3500;

* Monday 5: All Our Tomorrows. Conference, London, for workers and pensioners. Organised by Southwark Pensioners' Action Group. Details: Tony Farsky 020 7733 8117.

* Saturday 10: Unions and Labour's Second Term. Conference, London. Organised by Unions 21. Details: tel 020 7278 9944;

* Monday 12: Healthy Business for Healthy People. Seminar, Durham organised by the TUC and the British Chambers of Commerce. Details: Owen Tudor 020 7467 1325; [email protected]

* Saturday 17: Defend Public Services. Conference, Birmingham. Called to develop campaign strategies, including community and trade union responses, to defend public services. Details: Laura Teague/Caroline Johnson, Birmingham UNISON 0121 631 6937/6939.

* Saturday 24: Recognition - the impact of the new law. LRD conference, London. Details 020 7928 3649; [email protected]

* Saturday 24: Hands off Asylum Seekers - keep racism out of the general election. Rally, 1 pm Trafalgar Square, London, followed by human chain to Parliament. Details: National Assembly Against Racism 020 7247 9907


* Monday 23: Asbestos Still Kills. Joint TUC/Hazards Campaign conference, London. Details: London Hazards Centre, 0207 7794 5999, or [email protected]

If you have anything for the diary, please send your contribution by 7 March for the April diary, and 6 April for the May diary to: Ali Brown, FREEPOST, Labour Research, 78 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8YX; tel: 020 7902 9820; fax: 020 7928 0621; e-mail [email protected]