Labour Research March 2016

Equality news

Disabled employees cite benefit of adjustments

Disabled employees feel adjustments are essential to retaining their jobs, says research by employer’s networking body the Business Disability Forum (BDF). It found as many as half of disabled workers saying that this is the single most important aid to their retention and development.

The findings come from a BDF report on recruiting, retaining and developing disabled employees and compares employee feedback with employer perspectives.

State of the nation: retaining and developing employees with disabilities, says that more than three in 10 disabled employees don’t think their employer understands their legal obligations regarding workplace adjustments. 

A similar proportion don’t know where to access advice in their own organisation about appropriate workplace adjustments. And more than half don’t know where they can access advice outside the organisation. In contrast (and demonstrating a lack of communication), up to 83% of employers feel that employees could easily access advice regarding adjustments. 

Employers and disabled and non-disabled employees do agree that the biggest barrier to retaining and developing disabled employees and those with long-term health conditions is a lack of skilled and confident line managers. 

Just over half of employees and employers say this is the largest barrier to retention and development. And more than half of all employers and employees identify the importance of organisational values in relation to good retention practice.

The report’s recommendations include building the skills and confidence of line managers to effectively manage disabled team members.