Workplace Report June 2006

Recruitment and organisation news

UNISON aims for target of 1.5m members

Public services union UNISON has launched a new recruitment drive aimed at raising membership to 1.5 million by 2007.

Current UNISON members who sign up to the campaign will take on the task of recruiting 10 new members over 12 months.

UNISON membership increased by 32,000 last year, and March’s day of action on pensions saw a huge recruitment boost (see last month’s Workplace Report). But there are still workplaces where fewer than 50% of eligible workers are members, and UNISON density has been declining in key sectors for a number of reasons including competition from other unions.

The union’s promotion of the “organising approach” has been successful where it has been adopted, but most branches have yet to take it up. A motion at this month’s UNISON conference is encouraging all branches to take the campaign on board.