Workplace Report September 2008

Health & safety news

Safety Reps Rights: No. 5: Safety Committees

THE Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations came into force nearly 30 years ago, in October 1978. Workplace Report is running a regular column this year highlighting the important rights won.

Regulation 9 states that employers must establish a safety committee when at least two safety representatives request this in writing. The committee should be set up within three months of the request and in consultation with safety reps. Its composition and scope should be displayed prominently in the workplace.

Guidance to the regulations states that the committee should be composed of equal numbers of safety reps and management. Reps should be provided with relevant information, set the agenda and objectives of the committee and receive minutes.

The guidance also states that membership of safety committees should be regarded as part of an individual’s normal work, and therefore safety reps should “suffer no loss of pay through attendance at meetings of safety committees or at other agreed activities such as inspections”.