LRD guides and handbook October 2015
Bullying and harassment at work - a guide for trade union reps
Introduction [pages 3-4] (581 words)
Bullying and harassment are workplace hazards which have grown steadily over recent years to become a top concern for trade union safety reps. The ...
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Chapter 1
1. The extent of bullying and harassment at work [ch 1: page 5] (188 words)
Recent surveys confirm that bullying and harassment remain major and growing problems in UK workplaces, and there is some evidence that government ...
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The scale of workplace bullying [ch 1: pages 5-6] (597 words)
Bullying in the NHS [ch 1: pages 6-7] (465 words)
Bullying in education [ch 1: pages 8-9] (459 words)
Bullying in the media [ch 1: pages 9-10] (719 words)
Bullying in the prison service [ch 1: pages 10-11] (161 words)
Bullying in the fire service [ch 1: page 11] (124 words)
Bullying in the civil service [ch 1: page 11] (225 words)
Bullying in local government [ch 1: page 12] (212 words)
Transport [ch 1: page 12] (199 words)
Call centres [ch 1: page 12] (119 words)
Blacklisting [ch 1: page 13] (93 words)
Cyberbullying [ch 1: pages 13-14] (404 words)
Women and bullying and harassment [ch 1: pages 14-15] (291 words)
Racial harassment [ch 1: page 15] (149 words)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and bullying [ch 1: pages 15-16] (276 words)
The cost of bullying to organisations [ch 1: pages 16-7] (555 words)
Consequences beyond the workplace [ch 1: page 17] (86 words)
The cost of bullying to individuals [ch 1: pages 17-18] (353 words)
Chapter 2
2. The law [ch 2: page 19] (305 words)
Construction union UCATT points out that: “Quite unbelievably, the law does not expressly protect employees from bullying and harassment ...
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Health and safety law and Health and Safety Executive guidance [ch 2: pages 20-21] (774 words)
Using the HSE Management Standards for work-related stress to tackle bullying and harassment [ch 2: pages 22-23] (346 words)
Place of safety [ch 2: page 23] (265 words)
The employment contract [ch 2: pages 24-25] (524 words)
Constructive dismissal [ch 2: page 25] (169 words)
Why a constructive unfair dismissal claim is risky [ch 2: pages 25-26] (450 words)
Claims under the Equality Act 2010 [ch 2: pages 26-27] (75 words)
Harassment [ch 2: pages 27-29] (806 words)
Sexual harassment [ch 2: page 29] (137 words)
The employer’s liability for harassment [ch 2: pages 29-31] (644 words)
Third party harassment [ch 2: page 31] (209 words)
Undocumented workers and the Equality Act 2010 [ch 2: pages 31-32] (162 words)
Victimisation [ch 2: page 32] (121 words)
Whistleblowers [ch 2: pages 32-34] (574 words)
Trade union victimisation [ch 2: page 34] (464 words)
Compensation in the employment tribunal [ch 2: pages 34-36] (301 words)
Tribunal fees [ch 2: page 36] (153 words)
Acas Early Conciliation [ch 2: page 36] (49 words)
Time limits [ch 2: page 36] (46 words)
Gross misconduct [ch 2: page 36] (107 words)
High Court personal injury claims [ch 2: pages 36-37] (597 words)
The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 [ch 2: pages 38-39] (586 words)
Time limit [ch 2: page 39] (65 words)
Criminal offence [ch 2: page 40] (137 words)
Cyberbullying and the criminal law [ch 2: page 40] (176 words)
Blacklisting [ch 2: pages 40-41] (183 words)
Chapter 3
3. Recognising bullying and harassment [ch 3: page 42] (349 words)
To tackle bullying and harassment at work, it is necessary to identify the type of behaviour considered unacceptable, and to provide examples so that ...
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Examples of unacceptable behaviour [ch 3: pages 42-44] (721 words)
Forms of harassment [ch 3: pages 44-46] (532 words)
Trade union guidance on supporting trans workers [ch 3: pages 46-47] (541 words)
Other forms of harassment [ch 3: page 47] (23 words)
Chapter 4
4. Tackling bullying and harassment [ch 4: pages 48-49] (464 words)
In order to tackle bullying and harassment, it is important to understand the reasons why it occurs. General union Unite says that bullying may occur ...
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Raising awareness of bullying and harassment [ch 4: page 49] (644 words)
Taking a collective approach to tackling bullying and harassment [ch 4: pages 49-53] (1,236 words)
The role of health and safety risk assessments [ch 4: pages 53-56] (1,249 words)
Chapter 5
5. Dealing with individual cases of bullying and harassment [ch 5: page 57] (94 words)
Dealing with individual cases of bullying and harassment can be difficult, and the victim is likely to need understanding and practical support to ...
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What can individuals do? [ch 5: pages 57-58 ] (473 words)
What reps can do? [ch 5: pages 58-60] (1,189 words)
Sickness absence due to bullying and harassment [ch 5: pages 61] (267 words)
Representing a member accused of bullying [ch 5: pages 60-62] (514 words)
What other workers can do [ch 5: pages 62-64] (248 words)
Support for bullied and harassed staff [ch 5: pages 64-65] (315 words)
Other resources [ch 5: page 65] (96 words)
Tackling bullying and harassment checklist [ch 5: page 65] (105 words)
Chapter 6
6. Negotiating a policy [ch 6: page 66] (149 words)
Policies and procedures are a necessary step towards tackling bullying and harassment at work, even though they are not sufficient, on their own, to ...
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What sort of policy? [ch 6: page 66] (110 words)
What a policy should include [ch 6: pages 66-67] (240 words)
Statement of commitment [ch 6: page 67] (84 words)
Examples [ch 6: page 67] (112 words)
Prevention [ch 6: page 68] (111 words)
Duties of managers and supervisors [ch 6: page 68] (179 words)
Trade union involvement [ch 6: pages 68-69] (172 words)
Contact officers/anti-harassment officers [ch 6: page 69] (135 words)
Information and training [ch 6: pages 69-70] (254 words)
Complaints procedure [ch 6: page 70] (147 words)
Informal action [ch 6: page 70] (107 words)
A role for mediation? [ch 6: pages 70-71] (455 words)
Formal complaints procedure [ch 6: pages 71-72] (415 words)
Investigating the complaint [ch 6: page 73] (130 words)
Timescales [ch 6: page 73] (49 words)
Confidentiality [ch 6: page 73] (63 words)
If the complaint is upheld [ch 6: pages 73-74] (447 words)
If the complaint is not upheld [ch 6: page 74] (102 words)
Counselling [ch 6: page 75] (138 words)
Rehabilitation [ch 6: page 75] (86 words)
Monitoring [ch 6: page 75] (122 words)
Examples of workplace policies [ch 6: pages 75-77] (581 words)
Negotiating a policy — checklist [ch 6: page 77] (117 words)
Further information
Further information [pages 78-79] (405 words)
Many unions produce their own guidance on tackling bullying and harassment at work and should also be able to provide advice. The following ...
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