Introduction (556 words)
European works councils (EWCs) have been up and running in UK companies for several years. More than 80 UK-based employers have an EWC and ...
1. Guide to the UK regulations (5229 words)
The UK regulations on European works councils (EWCs), the Transnational Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 1999 came into effect on 15 January 2000. ...
2. Negotiating agreements (8936 words)
Neither the EWC directive, nor the UK regulations lay down specific rules as to how an EWC should operate and therefore what an EWC ...
3. The mechanics of the negotiations (2201 words)
It is the multinational element of an agreement on a European Works Council which makes its negotiation very different from bargaining covering a single ...
4. Making an EWC work for the employees (4872 words)
Having a good EWC agreement, one that meets as far as possible trade union demands, is a useful starting point, but it does not ...
5. The future (740 words)
This booklet has concentrated on EWCs as set up under the 1994 EWC directive, which was finally extended to the UK at the start ...
Further information (723 words)
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) ...