LRD guides and handbook August 2012

Health and safety law 2012

Introduction (1,346 words)

This latest edition of Health and safety law 2012, the Labour Research Department’s (LRD’s) annual guide to health and safety law, ...
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1. The structure of health and safety law (3,312 words)

There have been relatively few changes to the main body of health and safety legislation since publication of Health and safety law 2011. However, ...
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2. The health and safety inspection and enforcement regime (3,251 words)

In March 2011, the DWP announced a cut of one-third to the number of proactive (unannounced) workplace inspections by the HSE and local ...
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3. The management of health and safety at work (4,011 words)

The HSE telephone Infoline closed in October 2011. It will not be replaced and users are directed instead to the HSE website ( HSE ...
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4. Safety reps and safety committees (6,797 words)

New cases on the protection of workers who “stop the job” in circumstances of “serious and imminent danger”. ...
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5. The workplace and the working environment (5,358 words)

Smoking: the Welsh Government has called for a ban on smoking in all cars, to protect children and non-smoking passengers from the effects of ...
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6. Hazardous substances (9,668 words)

Dust: In September 2011, the HSE reissued its guidance Controlling airborne contaminants at work: a guide to Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV). ...
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7. Equipment at work (4,237 words)

The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 was enacted in April 2012, making it significantly harder for workers to fund ...
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8. Physical hazards at work (6,694 words)

MSDs: A proposed new European Directive covering all musculoskeletal disorders is likely to be adopted in late 2012. ...
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9. Hours of work (6,644 words)

In May 2012, pilots’ union BALPA’s Wake Up! Campaign against EU plans to increase pilots’ working hours secured a major ...
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10. Occupational health, information and reporting (4,753 words)

A new safety inspection strategy announced by the DWP in 2011, Good Health: Good for Everyone, has resulted in a drastic cut in the number of ...
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11. Stress, bullying and violence (4,139 words)

There have been many surveys over the past twelve months showing a marked increase in stress levels and incidents of bullying across the British ...
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12. The Löfstedt review of health and safety (1,172 words)

The Löfstedt review, Reclaiming health and safety for all, was published in November 2011. The review was commissioned by the Department for ...
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Further information (498 words)

All regulations made since 1988 can be downloaded from the website at: ...
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