LRD guides and handbook December 2016

Performance management and capability procedures - a guide for union reps and negotiators

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Introduction [pages 3-4] (316 words)

Punitive and dysfunctional performance management systems and capability processes top the workplace agenda for a growing number of union reps. Low ...
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Chapter 1

1. Performance management – the challenge for union reps [ch 1: page 5] (235 words)

Many trade unionists in both the public and the private sector share the view of leading academic Professor Phil Taylor of the University of ...
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Context [ch 1: pages 5-10] (2,088 words)

Forced ranking or distribution [ch 1: pages 10-13] (1,479 words)

Line management bias and favouritism [ch 1: pages 13-14] (343 words)

Discrimination [ch 1: pages 14-15] (517 words)

Inappropriate measurement criteria [ch 1: pages 15-18] (1,322 words)

Cost and expense [ch 1: page 18] (157 words)

Psychological consequences [ch 1: pages 18-19] (509 words)

The European perspective [ch 1: pages 20-21] (464 words)

More information [ch 1: page 21] (152 words)

Chapter 2

2. Union campaigning in the civil service [ch 2: pages 22-23] (787 words)

This chapter looks at the main organising strategies used by civil service unions in their ongoing, very effective campaign against a punitive ...
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The civil service PM system – key elements [ch 2: pages 23-24] (244 words)

Union support for individual members [ch 2: page 24] (132 words)

Negative psychological impact of PM [ch 2: pages 24-26] (898 words)

Unlawful discrimination [ch 2: pages 26-27] (364 words)

National-level campaign tools and strategies [ch 2: page 27] (206 words)

Case study – Campaigning in the Home Office (HO) [ch 2: pages 27-29] (812 words)

Case study – The Valuation Office Agency pilot scheme [ch 2: pages 29-31] (971 words)

Strike action at the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) [ch 2: page31] (132 words)

Scotland [ch 2: page 32] (147 words)

Chapter 3

3. Performance management and pay in the teaching profession [ch 3: pages 33-36] (1,605 words)

This chapter looks at the impact of performance management and the linking of performance to pay in the teaching profession, and at union campaigning ...
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Discriminatory outcomes [ch 3: pages 36-38] (776 words)

Observation [ch 3: pages 38-39] (259 words)

Supporting individual members [ch 3: page 39] (259 words)

Union campaigning [ch 3: pages 39-40] (312 words)

Chapter 4

4. Higher education [ch 4: pages 41-43] (1,117 words)

In 2015-16, the Newcastle branch of the University and College Union (UCU) ran a successful campaign against a new performance management scheme to ...
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Chapter 5

5. Supporting members during the appraisal process [ch 5: pages 44-46] (1,154 words)

Earlier chapters of this booklet have focused on examples of collective action to campaign against punitive performance management (PM) systems. This ...
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Chapter 6

6. Supporting a member in a formal capability procedure based on “poor performance” [ch 6: page 47] (144 words)

Reps’ caseloads are increasingly taken up with assisting members who face a formal capability procedure for poor performance, and are threatened ...
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The legal basis for dismissal – capability (unsatisfactory performance) [ch 6: pages 47-49] (1,201 words)

Some other substantial reason [ch 6: pages 49-50] (163 words)

Hidden age discrimination [ch 6: pages 50-51] (375 words)

Dismissal linked to qualifications [ch 6: page 51] (333 words)

Identifying the reason for dismissal [ch 6: pages 51-52] (76 words)

The employer’s duty to act reasonably [ch 6: page 52] (676 words)

Duty to follow a fair procedure [ch 6: pages 52-54] (732 words)

The Acas Code of Practice – Discipline and Grievance [ch 6: pages 54-56] (803 words)

Appeal [ch 6: page 56] (64 words)

Expired warnings [ch 6: pages 56-57] (71 words)

The right to be accompanied [ch 6: pages 57-58] (541 words)

Requests to reschedule due to illness, stress or depression [ch 6: pages 58-59] (533 words)

Checklist: possible lines of argument in a formal disciplinary performance hearing [ch 6: pages 60-62] (944 words)

The statutory duty to make reasonable adjustments [ch 6: pages 62-66] (1,430 words)

Discrimination “arising” from disability [ch 6: page 66] (293 words)

Performance appraisal, pregnancy and maternity [ch 6: page 67] (257 words)

Chapter 7

7. Collectivising disputes over performance management [ch 7: pages 68-69] (621 words)

Punitive performance management (PM) systems are a major issue for union members. The challenge is how to collectivise this issue, so as to secure ...
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Consulting with members and non-members [ch 7: page 69] (205 words)

Collecting hard data [ch 7: pages 69-70] (146 words)

Using statutory information rights [ch 7: pages 70-71] (377 words)

Using the safety committee [ch 7: page 71] (284 words)

Using the Public Sector Equality Duty [ch 7: page 72] (185 words)

Freedom of information requests [ch 7: page 72] (67 words)

Campaign methods [ch 7: pages 72-73] (336 words)

Strategic litigation [ch 7: pages 73-75] (671 words)

Further information

Further information [pages 76-78] (818 words)

Copies of relevant laws and regulations can be obtained online at: ...
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