Workplace Report October 2004

Features: Health & safety - HSE monitor

Prospect campaigns to stop standards falling

Inspectors' union Prospect is campaigning against Health and Safety Executive (HSE) plans to reduce the number of investigations into major injuries at work and the time spent on the cases they do investigate.

Following the freezing of its resources by the government this year, the HSE has instructed its inspectors to "conclude investigations as early as possible". And plans to reduce the criteria that prompt an accident investigation are being piloted in the North West of England, prior to being rolled out across the country.

Under the new criteria, an employee could suffer a scalping, serious multiple fractures or loss of the top of three fingers before an inquiry is even launched in their workplace.

Stephen Kay, Prospect's HSE branch chair, said: "Rather than axing HSE inspectors, we would like to see the numbers doubled so each workplace is inspected at least once every five years. At present, employers can expect a visit every 10 to 15 years, if at all."

Prospect is campaigning for the government to back its commitment to improving health and safety at work by properly funding the HSE. For details, visit