Affiliation to the Labour Research Department

Why affiliate?

If Unite (Amicus) Westminster Branch could only affiliate to one organisation it would be the LRD...
Paul Cruse, Secretary, UNITE (Amicus Westminster Branch)

Affiliation gives the best value access to LRD's services. Affiliation includes the following:-

For an additional fee, affiliates can subscribe to Publications Online and have online access to LRD publications.

Affiliated organisations have the right to use LRD's Enquiry Service - LRD researchers answer questions from affiliates about pay and conditions, health and safety, rights at work or any other relevant area.

Affiliated organisations and individuals can influence the future work and direction of LRD by attending LRD AGMs and choosing the Executive Committee.

How much does it cost?

Organisations such as union branches, shop stewards' committees or union regions can affiliate for £165.50. National organisations, such as national unions, pay different fees, based on membership.

Organisational Affiliation Prices
Organisational affiliation£165.50 Affiliate
Organisational Affiliation Package Deal (includes Fact Service and Workplace Report)- save £16.80 £380.45 Affiliate
Organisational Affiliation Package Deal + Publications Online £459.70 Affiliate
Individual Affiliation Prices
Individual affiliation£107.00 Affiliate
Individual Affiliation Package Deal (includes Fact Service and Workplace Report)- save £16.80 £329.20 Affiliate
Individual Affiliation Package Deal + Publications Online £405.20 Affiliate
Discounted Affiliation Prices
Trades councils and local political parties only£123.00 Affiliate
Trades councils and local political parties Package Deal (includes Fact Service and Workplace Report)- save £16.00£338.75 Affiliate
Trades councils and local political parties Package Deal + Publications Online £418.00 Affiliate

Affiliation prices are correct until 1st May 2023.

Applications to affiliate to LRD are subject to endorsement by LRD's executive committee.

If you would like advice about subscriptions and affiliations please contact [email protected] (telephone 020 7928 3649).