Special Offers

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Price: £8.50

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The Employment Rights Bill
The Labour government introduced its Employment Rights Bill on 10 October 2024 which promises to deliver “the biggest upgrade to workers’ rights in a generation.” The Bill includes 28 reforms across nine areas: zero hours; fire and rehire; day one rights; sick pay; flexible working; maternity protection; enforcement; pay bargaining, and trade union rights. This LRD guide looks in detail at what the Bill contains, including: Guaranteed hours for zero-hours and minimum-hours contracts Day one dismissal rights and statutory probation Restrictions on fire and rehire Repeal of restrictive industrial action laws Enhanced sick pay and parental leave rights Collective bargaining in key sectors This LRD guide provides essential information to help union reps prepare and start negotiating for improved workplace rights.

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Price: £73.53

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Employment law package

Buy Law at work 2023 and the latest Case law at work and save 10%.

Law at work is LRD's annual best-selling employment law booklet explaining all the major employment legislation that union reps need to know about.

Case law at work is the companion to Law at work. It contains clear summaries of important employment law cases.

Together, these guides are invaluable when negotiating, helping with member queries or preparing tribunal claims.

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Price: £172.24

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Case Law at Work series

Buy all eighteen editions of the Case Law at work series (including the latest 2023 edition) and save 30%

Each year LRD publishes a new edition of Case law at work a unique source of information on recent employment law cases which add to the collection of cases provided in previous editions and does not replace them. They contain clear summaries and updates of important cases decided by the appeal courts, many of which are not contained in other legal guides.

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Price: £30.26

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Legal booklet package

Protect your rights at work - save 15% on three essential legal guides

Government assaults on employment rights make it more important than ever for trade unionists to be armed with the facts.

Be prepared with these three LRD guides to using the law.

This series of three fully updated LRD legal booklets are written in plain English and contain highly relevant up-to-date information on the rules and key issues, including recent important cases.

Trade union reps need and will regularly use these legal handbooks when defending members at work.

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Price: £55.04

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Covid-19 booklet package

Save 15% on four booklets for pandemic times

Union reps guides to health and safety law, mental health, redundancy law and state support for workers

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Price: £16.40

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Social media, monitoring and surveillance at work package

Buy Monitoring and surveillance at work and Social media at work + and save 20%

Both Social media at work and Monitoring and surveillance at work give guidance on how to inform members on any associated risks, how to represent members in disciplinaries and include details of key legislation and the latest case law. Social media at work also highlights how unions have been successfully harnessing the power of social networking to reach out to their memberships and the wider public.

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Price: £25.29

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Working womens' package

Save 15% on three essential guides for working women

Union reps' guides to fighting sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination and taking a gender-sensitive approach to health and safety.