| December 2015 |
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Issue 50 (17/12/2015) - UK unemployment rate at nine-year low; Inflation on rise again; Weekly earnings growth back below 2%; Well-being and work; Prentis re-elected
Issue 49 (10/12/2015) - Pensions, poverty and incomes of the older; Flood safety and guidance; Factory output weak; More guidance over transgender workers; Disabled workers with invisible impairments; Mergers and takeovers at low level; More women needed in science and technology; Land Registry sell-off back on agenda
Issue 48 (03/12/2015) - Millions to be worse off
; Work-related violence - get it down; Growth in UK economy is confirmed
; Transgender guidance
; Firms should have to reveal pay ratios; Freeze in statutory payments next April; Cuts threaten key public services
; Is leaveism the new presenteeism?
; Action over utility pension closure[More ...] |
| November 2015 |
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Issue 47 (26/11/2015) - Chancellor climbs down on tax credit; Blocs carve up trade and services
; More money saved into workplace pensions
; Pay in manufacturing
Issue 46 (19/11/2015) - Depressing effects of fit-for-work scheme; Retail price inflation down again
; Annual survey of hours and earnings 2015
; Roache is new GMB general secretary; Poorest hit hardest by tax credit cuts; Low pay in April 2015; Councils pay Living Wage but £10 is aim
Issue 45 (12/11/2015) - UK unemployment down again
; Average earnings growth punctured
; Life's not fair
; Reasons behind presenteeism
; Sunday trading extension on hold
; New earnings data
Issue 44 (05/11/2015) - New Living Wage rates – but 6m on less
; Say No to TiSA
; No wage worries for top executives
; Safety worries over scab agency workers
; Bidding for public contracts in Scotland
[More ...] |
| October 2015 |
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Issue 43 (29/10/2015) - Thirty two executives receive over £112m
; Time off work when children are sick
; UK economy slows
; Health and safety statistics 2014-15; Government's plans over gender pay gap
; County council to pay Living Wage
Issue 42 (22/10/2015) - £1m a year executives 10 a penny
; Factory output weak
; Blacklisters admit guilt; Too many earning below Living Wage
; Asbestos - MPs call for eradication law; Grandparents to share parental leave
Issue 41 (15/10/2015) - RPI inflation down, CPI negative; Gay couple lose court fight over pension; Unemployment down; Average earnings growth again over 3%; Facebook's 'tax bill'
Issue 40 (08/10/2015) - Councils against Trade Union Bill
; UK's current account deficit narrows
; How to report on gender pay gap; Will low-paid workers be better off?
; Support staff with cancer, says TUC; Pay in the boardroom
Issue 39 (01/10/2015) - No financial fears in retirement for fat cats; Parental leave at top ranked employers
; No jail for corporate manslaughter; Factors in measuring gender pay gap; Employment law changes from October
; Supermarket to pay above Living Wage; Economy expands[More ...] |
| September 2015 |
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Issue 38 (24/09/2015) - Proposals to improve employment tribunals; Supermarket Lidl to pay Living Wage; Cap on public sector redundancy pay-offs; Forecasts for the economy; Tribunal numbers dive; Price of a life - the price of car?; Who misses out on auto-enrolment; Presenteeism rife
Issue 37 (17/09/2015) - Widening opposition to Trade Union Bill; Jobless total up again; Rebound in average earnings growth; RPI inflation edges higher, CPI at 0%
Issue 36 (10/09/2015) - Fat cats in banking; Number of zero-hours contracts rises; Trade Union Bill comes under attack; Factory output weakening; You never see a poor bookie - or fat cat
Issue 35 (03/09/2015) - UK plc owned by rest of the world; Fight goes on for abolition of fees; Steady growth in 2015; Gender pay flip-flop; Capability assessments 'not fit for purpose'; Check out the tasty executive pay deals[More ...] |
| August 2015 |
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Issue 34 (27/08/2015) - Union proposals - 'not fit for purpose'; Long-hours culture brings risk of stroke; Moves to increase apprenticeships; When is a pay rise not a pay rise?; Executive excess
Issue 33 (20/08/2015) - The widening pay gap; Inflation stays at 1%; Rise in regulated rail fares outstrips wages; High cost of bogus self-employment laid bare; More firms commit to paying Living Wage
Issue 32 (13/08/2015) - Challenge of finding holiday childcare; Jobless total rises for second month in a row; Average earnings growth down again; Pay rises to average 2% in coming year; Interest rates on hold but rise on horizon
Issue 31 (06/08/2015) - Millionaire company executives rake it in; Attack on check-off; An appetite for the Living Wage; Presenteeism - not quite an epidemic; Night working grows since recession; Factory output shrinks [More ...] |
| July 2015 |
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Issue 30 (30/07/2015) - Too much cash directed to shareholders; Economy perks up; Discrimination as mothers lose jobs; Union reforms could harm productivity; Union political funds; Fit note fails to deliver; Labour disputes in 2014
Issue 29 (23/07/2015) - Top pay and decline of union influence; IKEA now a Living Wage employer; New ideas needed on older workers; Review heralds end to pay progression; Council targets rep over privatisation; Increase in number of deaths at work
Issue 28 (16/07/2015) - Retail inflation sticks at 1% in June; "Unnecessary attack" on workers' rights; Rise in unemployment; Average earnings dips
Issue 27 (09/07/2015) - New contract or old con trick?; Balance of payments shows improvement; Tories fail on child poverty so redefine it; Go-ahead but delay for tax-free childcare; UK economy in better shape in 2015; Manufacturing output flattens out; Regional inequalities increase under Tories
Issue 26 (02/07/2015) - Families struggle to close income gap; Midwives join TUC; Time off for antenatal appointments; Health and safety for children; Healthy workplaces; Thumbs up for pensions but…;Financial pain of Child Benefit freeze; Relax dress codes at work in heatwave[More ...] |
| June 2015 |
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Issue 25 (25/06/2015) - Pension deficit tops £12bn in 2014; CBI head calls for wage rises; Living Wage for contractor staff; Productivity puzzle - seven levers; Public sector jobs lost and worse to come; Life at the top
Issue 24 (18/06/2015) - Living Wage served up; Improvement in average earnings; Inflation on the rise; Unemployment falls; Review of tribunals announced
Issue 23 (11/06/2015) - Living Wage milestone of 1,500 employers; Guide to time off for surrogate parents; Rise in factory output - but still below peak; Unions reject blacklists firm 'derisory' offer; Facility time guide; Toxic air claims made by cabin crew; Little pay restraint shown by top execs
Issue 22 (04/06/2015) - Low activity in 2015 mergers and takeovers; 'Union premium' on wages gets bigger; Economic growth estimate unchanged; Blowing the whistle - but to who?; Experts say cut time spent sitting in office[More ...] |
| May 2015 |
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Issue 21 (28/05/2015) - Persistent poverty in UK and Europe; 'Union effect' in training; University lecturers hit by casualisation; Safety probes at schools; Exclusivity banned in zero-hours contracts; Growth and divide in weekly earnings
Issue 20 (21/05/2015) - Retail price inflation stays under 1%; Increasing pressure on older carers; Reform of executives' performance pay; Crown Estate to pay Living Wage; Co-op Group to continue political support; Tories won donations battle in election run-up
Issue 19 (14/05/2015) - Tories take power after general election; City bonuses boost earnings growth; Unemployment dips by 35,000 in first quarter; Factory output slows at beginning of 2015; Tory Party resumes its attack on unions
Issue 18 (07/05/2015) - Economy slows in first quarter of year; Blacklisted rep in tribunal victory; Top executives enjoy £1m a year packages; Women still face back-to-work barriers; Unequal treatment to end at airport security; Union reps’ meetings qualify as working time[More ...] |
| April 2015 |
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Issue 17 (30/04/2015) - Handsome rewards in executive packages; Epilepsy in workplace; Richard Desmond's UKIP donation; Nationwide says 'pay up' on Living Wage; Union official to head taskforce in Scotland; New qualification right on adoption leave; Strike over Tata Steel's pension closure?
Issue 16 (23/04/2015) - Unemployment dips below 1.84 million; Turbans in workplace; CWU gets new gen sec; Earnings data provide little relief; Black and Asians hit by casualisation of work; Whistleblowing case — public interest ruling; 2010 and now
Issue 15 (16/04/2015) - More union bashing from Tories if they win; Inequalities among ethnic minority people; Factory output slows at beginning of 2015; Ambulance staff are stressed out; Inflation dips under 1%; Pension changes
Issue 14 (09/04/2015) - Employment law changes in April; Compensation scheme an 'unholy mess'; Tory claim on tax rubbished; Living Wage successes; Tory backers named and shamed; Balance of payments - record deficit; Executives in the £1m-a-year pay club
Issue 13 (02/04/2015) - Economic growth is revised upwards; UNISON can appeal over tribunal fees; Call for public inquiry into blacklisting; A promise to end zero-hours contracts; Industrial action at Windsor Castle; Austerity has led to mental health issues[More ...] |
| March 2015 |
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Issue 12 (26/03/2015) - Millionaire says Living Wage 'irrelevant'; Food and furniture prices cut inflation; Changes to inflation's shopping basket; Downside to being an agency worker; Wealth gap as wide in Scotland as GB; Blacklister stitched up; Take-home pay growth
Issue 11 (19/03/2015) - Budget 2015 - the economic background; Unemployment down; Police infiltrated five trade unions; No joy in average weekly earnings data; Asbestos in schools
Issue 10 (12/03/2015) - Gender pay gap across EU member states; Factory output up, but below pre-crisis peak; Poor mental health of 'blue light' staff; Pay and expenses for top university job; NHS members' links to private healthcare; Mergers and takeovers at record low; Jobs growth for women is in low-paid jobs
Issue 9 (05/03/2015) - UK growth confirmed; Benefits migrant workers bring to UK; Waste of young people; Zero-hours contracts; More public money needed for care sector; Executive pay levels and public trust; Outsourcing of public services hits quality[More ...] |
| February 2015 |
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Issue 8 (26/02/2015) - Missing a Living Wage; Firefighter deaths; Party donations in 2014; Low paid could get 3% rise in autumn 2015; Factory output slows at end of 2014
issue 7 (19/02/2015) - New limits from April; Deficit worse because of wage stagnation; End of year bonuses boost earnings data; Unemployment down below 1.9 million; Fuel and food behind lower inflation
Issue 6 (12/02/2015) - Fourteen directors on at least £20,000 a week; Tax avoidance the PwC and HSBC way; Zero-hours workers want share of bonus; Setback for shop staff over EU ruling
Issue 5 (05/02/2015) - Psychological impact of austerity on staff; Care crisis over cuts and pay; Disabled jobseekers face barriers; Fall in real pay; Economy slows; Shame of winter death toll from cold[More ...] |
| January 2015 |
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Issue 4 (29/01/2015) - Multi-lingual guide put online by TUC; Unity ceramics union merges with GMB; Flexibility in sickness absence policies; Economic outlook for 2015 rosier; Shop staff still face violence and threats; Another year of executive excess; An earnings measure to include self-employed?
Issue 3 (22/01/2015) - Free school meals; Unemployment down on both counts; Earnings growth fails to match inflation rise; How to cope with winter travel disruption; Austerity uncovered
Issue 2 (15/01/2015) - Stronger enforcement call on minimum wage; November sees slower rise in factory output; Private firm cuts and runs from NHS hospital; Retail price inflation at five-year low; Tesco closes defined benefit scheme; Abandon CPI and RPI inflation measures
Issue 1 (08/01/2015) - Four out of five deterred by fees; Limit to backdated holiday pay claims; The year ahead; Fat cat Tuesday on second working day; UK's trading position worsens in autumn; Pension downside of umbrella companies; UK rail commuters hit by January rise[More ...] |