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[cover image][20 pages] July 2024
Price: £12.00  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
PAY AND PRICES BARGAINING Crisis deepends over future of TATA steelworkers Shift premia and benefits Local government pay takes shape Co-operative pay increase agreed EQUALITY Campaigners hail Labour's plans to tackle sexual harassment One in ten LBQ+ feel unsafe at work LEARNING AND TRAINING Union Learning Fund should be restored and improved RECRUITMENT AND ORGANISATION Pushing for union recognition at an Amazon warehouse EUROPE Breakthrough in retail pay in Germany LAW AT WORK Employment law — the latest cases HEALTH AND SAFETY Safety reps target building safety Climate change resources for safety reps HSE prosecutions results in £1.2 million fine and suspended prison sentence pay negotiations in health and education With the pay-setting process failing education and health workers, Workplace Report looks at union reaction and the chances of fresh rounds of industrial action this year indirect discrimination: ending the confusion There were important recent changes to the Equality Act 2010 in relation to indirect discrimination. We examine these changes, clarifying the concept and how it currently works. [More ...]

[cover image][20 pages] June 2024
Price: £10.00  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
PAY AND PRICES BARGAINING Crisis depends over future of TATA steelworkers Shift premia and benefits Local government pay takes shape Co-operative pay increase agreed EQUALITY Campaigners hail Labour's plans to tackle sexual harassment One in ten LBQ+ feel unsafe at work LEARNING AND TRAINING Union Learning Fund should be restored and improved RECRUITMENT AND ORGANISATION 7 Pushing for union recognition at an Amazon warehouse EUROPE Breakthrough in retail pay in Germany LAW AT WORK Employment law — the latest cases HEALTH AND SAFETY Safety reps target building safety Climate change resources for safety reps HSE prosecutions results in £1.2 million fine and suspended prison sentence PAY NEGOTIATIONS IN HEALTH AND EDUCATION With the pay-setting process failing education and health workers, Workplace Report looks at union reaction and the chances of fresh rounds of industrial action this year INDIRECT DISCRIMINATION: ENDING THE CONFUSION There were important recent changes to the Equality Act 2010 in relation to indirect discrimination. We examine these changes, clarifying the concept and how it currently works.[More ...]

[cover image][20 pages] May 2024
Price: £10.00  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
PAY AND PRICES BARGAINING TATA steelworkers plan action over redundancies New regs sow uncertainty Staged deals achieve up to 18% Charity pay examined EQUALITY Neurodiverse employees forced to skip work Young people report ‘shocking’ racism at work LEARNING AND TRAINING PM’s apprenticeship support ‘a drop in the ocean’ RECRUITMENT AND ORGANISATION Fight is on over derecognition EUROPE Train drivers win 35-hour week LAW AT WORK Employment law — the latest cases HEALTH AND SAFETY Conferences look at teachers' suicide risks Plea for action on asbestos Health unions highlight burnout danger Union demands laws on extreme weather working Where next for the MINIMUM WAGE? As the minimum wage reaches both its 25th anniversary and its pay-level target, Workplace Report looks at what it’s doing right, where it needs to do more, and how it could be used next to strengthen change FLEXIBLE WORKING AND THE LAW Last month saw the introduction of important new rules on flexible working. The changes are welcome but still fall short of an automatic right to work flexibly – just the right to request it. We look at how the situation now stands[More ...]

[cover image][20 pages] April 2024
Price: £10.00  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
PAY AND PRICES 2 BARGAINING 3-5 Union ballots for possible strike action Profits vs pay on under-repair M25 No improvement in teacher recruitment and retention Pay increases in automotive sector EQUALITY 6 UK down on gender pay gap index Labour's equality plans 'long overdue' Boardroom diversity rises RECRUITMENT AND ORGANISATION 7 Amazon 'on the brink' of historic union recognition EUROPE 8 Pay still high despite lower inflation LAW AT WORK 9-12 Employment law — the latest cases HEALTH AND SAFETY 13-14 Bus drivers' safety map Offshore helicopter safety questioned Council campaigns for mandatory 'inclusive' PPE National campaign looks at dangers from livestock Paternity lea ve: the state 15-17 of play Statutory Paternity Pay rises this month, alongside minor changes to the rules and regulations that govern it, but the wider picture for leave entitlements and pay for fathers/new parents remains a very mixed bag indeed refuse workers ' pay and 18-19 conditions in the spotlight The recent cost of living crisis has seen refuse workers up and down the country negotiating, campaigning and striking to restore pay and working conditions in what ‘used to be seen as a good job’ [More ...]

[cover image][20 pages] March 2024
Price: £10.00  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
PAY AND PRICES BARGAINING Trouble looms at Asda Strikes postponed as government returns Payline shows inflation-beating pay rises Unions slam government as UK enters recession NHS problems far from over EQUALITY LGBTQ+ graduates want to be out when at work More women missing out on sick pay LEARNING AND TRAINING Unionlearn launches new guides and website RECRUITMENT AND ORGANISATION Defending union facility time EUROPE Above-inflation deal for central government LAW AT WORK Employment law — the latest cases HEALTH AND SAFETY Unions demand protection Workers strike for safety Campaign highlights legal duty to act Corporate manslaughter fine unlikely to be paid A better deal for working mothers Maternity leave is firmly back on the agenda, with unions pushing for and winning better conditions for women who get pregnant while working – and new legislative changes on parental leave coming into effect What is the future for defined benefit pensions ? Pension schemes that guarantee a secure retirement income are still highly prized and wider interest in them has not been extinguished, even in the private sector [More ...]

[cover image][20 pages] February 2024
Price: £10.00  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
PAY AND PRICES BARGAINING Government doubles down on role of pay review bodies Two employers backtrack on Real Living Wage Workers stage mass strike across Northern Ireland EQUALITY Pay inequality is 'obscene' Four-fifths of women lack menopause support LEARNING AND TRAINING Adult learning risks missing 9 million in need RECRUITMENT AND ORGANISATION Recruitment push targets transport apprentices EUROPE Deal offers more pay and some progress on hours LAW AT WORK Employment law — the latest cases HEALTH AND SAFETY School unions welcome inspection pause Nurses' union demands Covid variant advice update Union's 'deep concern' over Sellafield safety Is sectoral bargaining back 15-17 on the agenda ? The Labour Party may be in government later this year and is calling for more sectoral collective bargaining. Will it find fertile ground for its New Deal? Europe : real pay edges 18-19 ahead as inflation falls Pay increases were relatively high across the EU in 2023, although, as in 2022, they were achieved against a background of high inflation – but, with inflation falling, most countries were able to record real-term pay growth [More ...]

[cover image][20 pages] January 2024
Price: £10.00  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
PAY AND PRICES BARGAINING Managing bank closures Junior doctors continue strike, consultants decide on offer Unions address rail issues EQUALITY TUC: young people lack employment rights LEARNING AND TRAINING Apprenticeship minimum wage could be scrapped RECRUITMENT AND ORGANISATION 7 Latest deals and derecognition threat EUROPE How right to disconnect works in practice LAW AT WORK Employment law — the latest cases HEALTH AND SAFETY Government fails to provide funding for school buildings crisis Report shows 1.8 million affected by ill health at work STEP FORWARD, GREEN REPS Trade unions made their presence felt at the COP28 climate meeting but, now it’s over, what can the new generation of union ‘green reps’ achieve in their workplaces and industries? SICKNESS ABSENCE: WHAT'S THE RIGHT RESPONSE IN 2024? The workplace agenda around sickness absence became significantly more complex after the arrival of Covid-19. Four years on, Workplace Report looks at where we stand now WHAT'S THE OUTLOOK FOR JOBS AND PAY IN 2024? The last few years have been exceptional, so what does the bargaining environment look like this year? The forecasts are gloomy, but they don’t all point in the same direction [More ...]