Workplace illnesses affect more than two million
Around 2.3 million people suffer from an illness they believe was caused or made worse by work. This is the latest estimate from the Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) Occupational health statistics bulletin.
Work-related illness were responsible for the loss of over 33 million working days in 2001-02 according to the bulletin.
Musculoskeletal disorders and stress account for the majority of workplace illnesses. The bulletin shows a rise in the numbers of deaths from mesothelioma as well as an increase in new disablement benefit cases of asbestosis.
Jobs with the highest illness rates were protective services (e.g. police), health and social welfare associate professionals (e.g. nurses), skilled construction and building trades, and teaching and research professionals.
TUC health and safety specialist Owen Tudor said: "These latest figures show our concern is well-founded, and that overwork is creating modern and deadly occupational disease epidemics."
The Occupational health statistics bulletin 2002-03 is available on the HSE website at: or contact HSE Books