Labour Research December 2001


Paying for care handbook

Geof Tait, Pauline Thompson, Helen Winfield, David Simmons, CPAG, 94 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF, 533 pages, paperback, £13.95

This is a guide to the services and benefits available for elderly or disabled people in need of care - whether at home or in supported accommodation and the charges that can be made. It provides essential information - not just for the people concerned, but for their relatives and carers, many of whom face special problems.

It lists the social security benefits available to those involved, including retirement pensions, widows' benefits, incapacity benefit, severe disablement allowance - together with the invalidity care allowance paid to people who are looking after a severely disabled person.

It explains the role of the social services departments and their local duties to provide help where needed whether in the claimant's home or in local nursing homes.

It outlines recent changes in the law, some of which are important. And it gives practical advice on where to get help and how to make a claim.

This is an excellent guide for all concerned.