Workplace Report June 2024

Equality news

One in ten LBQ+ unsafe

More than one in ten lesbian, bisexual and queer women still feel unsafe at work according a report from LGBTQ+ magazine DIVA released to mark lesbian Visibility Week in April.

While more than two-thirds of respondents to the survey said they felt supported in the workplace, 11% reported not feeling safe while 12% had witnessed or experienced homophobic, biphobic or transphobic comments or conduct at work. Another 10% experienced or witnessed verbal harassment and misgendering of transgender people.

The annual survey carried out by consultancy company Kantar also found that 13% of LBQ+ women and trans people thought they did not get the same opportunities for promotion as colleagues, while 11% felt they could not be themselves at work.

“Workplace inclusivity fosters dignity and belonging, and ensures fair opportunities, driving innovation and ultimately growth,” said the report.

“This year's study revealed that progress must still be made to ensure the LGBTQIA+ community has equal access to opportunities, balancing gender dynamics and a continued effort to attract diversity within the community.”