Workplace Report October 2022

Recruitment and organisation news

Town-based organising

The trade union movement will be urged to adopt town and city-based organising drives at this month’s annual TUC Congress. 

A motion tabled by the TUC Trades Union Councils Conference (TUCC) will urge national unions and branches to look to the partnership forged between Sheffield Trades Council and the BFAWU bakers’ and food workers’ union for the Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise campaign. It says that this initiative, which “put a union organiser on the streets”, means that “workers get to know of union breakthroughs in similar workplaces and want some of the same action for themselves”. The model has also been adopted in Leeds and Rotherham.

The 2022 TUC Congress was postponed from last month as it was due to be held immediately following the death of the Queen.