Fact Service March 2016

Issue 9

Period policy

A Bristol company is planning to introduce a “period policy” to allow female staff to work flexibly around their menstrual cycles.

Social enterprise firm Coexist plans to let women have extra time off during their period and tap to their employee’s natural cycle to create a “happier and healthier” working environment.

Women will be encouraged to go home if they feel unwell, and talk openly about their periods, synchronising their workload with their bodies.

Women will not have to take time off during their periods if they don’t want to, the firm said, stressing that the policy would be “choice-based” and days off won’t be mandatory.

The policy, which will be put into place on 15 March, follows the ethos that women are up to three times more productive in the days after their period has finished, but can have less energy when they are menstruating.
