Model policy to help confront transphobia
A model trans equality policy designed to equip people to challenge transphobia in the workplace has been produced by public services union UNISON.
The union said: “Most employers still don’t have specific polices on trans equality and those who are developing them often consult UNISON on draft policies. These drafts reveal widespread confusion about appropriate language, good practice and even the law.”
The policy says the terms “trans” or “transgender” describe people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth. Its definitions state that they cover people who:
• are intending to undergo, are undergoing, or have undergone gender reassignment at any stage;
• identify as having a gender different from that which they were assigned at birth and are planning or have had medical interventions such as hormones or surgery;
• identify as having a gender different from that which they were assigned at birth, but who are not planning any medical intervention; and/or
• are non-binary – that is, they are not solely male or female. They may define themselves as both, neither or something entirely different. They may or not have medical interventions to align their body with their non-binary gender identity.
It adds that these are not mutually exclusive alternatives.
The policy also covers a statement of commitment, legal protections for trans workers, recruitment, tackling discrimination, transitioning at work, promotion and monitoring of the policy.