Labour Research July 2018


Rolls-Royce job cuts condemned

Unions have warned engineering firm Rolls-Royce against cutting “too deep and too fast” as 4,600 job losses were announced last month.

The company said a third of the job cuts are expected to happen by the end of this year, with all cuts made by mid-2020.

Middle managers and back office staff are to bear the brunt of the cuts, which are expected to have a huge impact on Derby where most of the jobs are based.

The Unite union had recently negotiated a collective agreement with Rolls-Royce securing a guarantee of no compulsory redundancies in some parts of the business. The union is now calling for this guarantee to be extended to all the workers affected by last month’s announcement.

“Unite will be offering our members maximum support through this process and seeking assurances on no compulsory redundancies from Rolls-Royce for Unite members affected by this announcement,” said Unite assistant general secretary Steve Turner.

Ross Murdoch, GMB general union national officer, said: “With the Conservative government’s failure to provide a comprehensive and proactive industrial strategy, and their shambolic Brexit negotiations, they are squarely to blame for the high levels of uncertainty in the manufacturing sector.”