Workplace Report November 2014

Shift pay 2014 - The best collectively agreed shift premia payments from Labour Research Department’s Payline; ASHE 2014 - The official survey of pay and hours shows earnings’ growth bumping along the bottom. One positive was that the gender pay gap narrowed; Latest case law on contracts of employment and employment tribunals

Pay and prices

Autumn fall in settlements (246 words)

There has been a slight dip in pay settlements. ...
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Labour Research Department three-monthly pay figures (224 words)

Percentage increases on lowest basic rates (by agreements covered) ...
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Full-time weekly average earnings (41 words)

Source: ASHE 2014 uprated by AWE. ...
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Average weekly earnings (AWE) (150 words)

Total pay including bonuses. Percentage annual increases ...
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Other pay analysts (23 words)

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Prices (77 words)

1 Retail prices index (RPI), Jan ’87=100 ...
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Inflation forecasts (35 words)

Fourth quarter 2015 ...
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Bargaining news

New police pay body will be bound by 1% cap (631 words)

Police pay setting arrangements are changing at a time when frustration over public sector pay curbs has boiled over into strike action. Police ...
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NHS workers out again on 24 November (142 words)

NHS staff in England and Northern Ireland were on strike again on 24 November. The row is over an imposed settlement that has threatened the ...
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Low-paid workers to feel benefit of rises in rates (350 words)

New rates for the voluntary Living Wage across the UK and in London were announced earlier this month. ...
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Offers accepted but fight for Living Wage goes on in local government (356 words)

Pay disputes in the local government sector have been settled following separate offers made to workers covered by the NJC Green Book for England, ...
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HMRC in anti-union plot (262 words)

The PCS civil service union has accused management at Her Majesties Revenue and Customs (HMRC) of an anti-union plot against it. ...
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‘Popcorn, a soft drink and the Living Wage please’ (410 words)

Cinema workers around the country are capitalising on recent successes at the Ritzy in South London, and a new deal at arthouse chain Curzon, to ...
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CBI plan for a better off Britain? (346 words)

The UK’s main employer organisation, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), has joined the chorus of concern about living standards with a ...
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Barriers block talented women in STEM (267 words)

A large majority of women hoping to return after a career break to careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) say they face ...
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Equality news

Employers need to support staff who have caring roles (429 words)

Just one in six organisations have policies in place to help carers achieve a better balance between their home and working lives, according to a new ...
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Gap widens with pay award (311 words)

The PCS civil service union has accused the main equality agency of imposing an unfair pay award on its staff. ...
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Independent Living Fund (156 words)

Last month, the Royal Court of Justice heard a case against the closure of the Independent Living Fund (ILF). In support, a TUC-backed film – in ...
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Youth exploitation (163 words)

Two out of every five construction apprentices are paid below the National Minimum Wage (NMW), according to the UCATT construction union. ...
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Learning and training news

Hidden world of skills beyond school (377 words)

Post-secondary vocational education and training remains an “under-recognised, hidden world” in countries across Europe and particularly in ...
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Recruitment and organisation news

Haringey teachers strike over suspended rep (389 words)

Teachers in Haringey, London took strike action earlier this month over the suspension of their full-time union rep and an attack on their ability to ...
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Cut-rate subs for young workers (132 words)

The NUJ journalists’ union and the BECTU entertainment union have been running special reduced subscriptions schemes in November as part of events ...
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European news

Common agreements across Austrian industries reached again (523 words)

For the third year running, the unions in the Austrian metalworking and energy industries have been able to negotiate agreements providing the same ...
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Inflation plus deals reached in Germany (253 words)

Recent settlements in the clothing and textiles and paper and packaging industries have provided above inflation rises. ...
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Greek industry-level deals hit (267 words)

There are now far fewer employees in Greece covered by industry-level agreements than six years ago. ...
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Law - Contracts

Contracts - the law (407 words)

Employment rights depend, as a minimum, on the presence of an “employment relationship”. There are important legal distinctions between an ...
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Overtime must be taken into account for holiday pay (457 words)

This case is a landmark ruling on the calculation of holiday pay. ...
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New tribunal to rule whether actors are ‘workers’ (318 words)

A group of actors beginning their acting careers agreed to take part in a play produced by a small theatre production company called Charm Offensive. ...
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Employee’s pay slip has to show reason for deduction (218 words)

Mr Ridge, worked as a software engineer for the Land Registry. He became unwell and had significant periods of absence, eventually exhausting his ...
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No breach of contract in refusal to award annual pay rise (367 words)

This claim arose when the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) failed to pay an annual salary increase to new joiners. ...
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Law - Tribunal procedures

Employment tribunals - the law (667 words)

Nearly all tribunal claims must be brought within three months of the matter complained of. Tribunals can extend the time limit in an unfair ...
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Ill claimant should have been allowed short adjournment (346 words)

A mentally disabled claimant was dismissed and brought a variety of tribunal claims. He suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and his ...
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Judge wrong to deny insured claimaint his costs (214 words)

Mr Mardner brought successful tribunal proceedings against each member of the management committee of an unincorporated charity. He applied for his ...
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Tribunals need to be alert to capabilities of representatives (453 words)

Mr Drysdale issued claims for unfair constructive dismissal and breach of the Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA). He was represented by his wife, ...
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Termination date not altered by different dismissal route (420 words)

Mr Rabess, a firefighter, had a contract that entitled him to a week’s notice for each year of service. The contract did not allow the employer to ...
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Strike out of case rarely appropriate where key facts are disputed (394 words)

Ms Romanowska was employed as a care worker at a home for vulnerable adults. ...
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Health & safety news

Stress still dominates concerns of union reps (414 words)

Stress, bullying and harassment, overwork, back strains and slips, and trips and falls on a level were the top five hazards cited by respondents to ...
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Ditch clause on exemption for self-employed (329 words)

Entertainment union BECTU has written to members of the House of Lords calling for plans to exempt the self-employed from health and safety ...
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Teachers look to school exit (274 words)

Nine out of 10 teachers said they had considered giving up teaching during the last two years because of workload, the NUT teaching union found in a ...
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Health & safety - HSE Monitor

Too many deaths and too many injuries at work (459 words)

The scale of death, injury and ill health at work in the Great Britain has been laid bare in the last annual HSE statistics covering 2013-14. ...
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Just soap and water is fine (255 words)

New research carried out by the HSE looks at the effectiveness of alcohol -based hand gels and hand wipes and how they compare to hand washing using ...
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Construction blitz (153 words)

Dangerous practices and unacceptable conditions were found by the HSE in a month-long inspection blitz of construction sites. ...
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Workplace transport (105 words)

The HSE has updated its guide on workplace transport safety highlighting what employers need to do to follow the law and reduce risk to its workers ...
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Shift workers see increases in their premia payments (2,884 words)

Around four million people in the UK work shifts. Workplace Report once again examines the compensation of shift premia in union-negotiated ...
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Bare increase for weekly earnings as they lose pace with inflation (1,844 words)

The headline results of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings for April 2014 show that the TUC’s demand that “Britain needs a pay rise” is a ...
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