Labour Research July 2024

Fourteen years of attacks on unions and workers Labour Research examines what 14 years of Conservative rule have meant for workers and their trade unions Health and Safety at Work Act 50 years on The Health and Safety at Work etc Act is 50 years old in July. What has it done to promote occupational health and safety? Employee Assistance Programmes Companies running Employee Assistance Programmes are big business. But do they actually help workers?


Action demanded over inquiries (220 words)

Bereaved families and survivors affected by Covid-19, the Grenfell Tower fire, and the infected blood scandal came together “as victims of the ...
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Labour’s election manifesto largely welcomed by unions (384 words)

The UK’s biggest unions largely welcomed Labour’s general election manifesto, with GMB general union general secretary Gary Smith saying it ...
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Insecure work rockets to record levels, says new TUC analysis (241 words)

The number of people in insecure work has hit a record high of 4.1 million, according to a new TUC analysis — one in eight workers. ...
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Strike wave hits universities as staff respond to plans for ‘brutal’ cuts (314 words)

A wave of strikes is hitting universities across the country as members of the UCU university and college union respond to plans for hundreds of ...
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Union leaders visit Palestine (207 words)

Leaders of eight global union federations and the ITUC international trade union confederation recently travelled to Ramallah to convey their ...
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Report marks Battle of Orgreave (221 words)

The Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign (OTJC) marked the 40th anniversary of “one of the most serious abuses of power by police and government in ...
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Inflation slows again (67 words)

Inflation’s slowing trend continued, with Retail Prices Index (RPI) inflation (the preferred measure of union negotiators) at 3.0% for the 12 ...
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Labour market indicators (204 words)

There are continued signs of a cooling labour market, said the Office for National Statistics (ONS), with vacancy numbers still falling and ...
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Key economic indicators

Key economic indicators (423 words)

Inflation +3.0%, Average earnings +6.0% ...
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Union news

Labour receives qualified support from unions in election run-up (319 words)

Most unions have been encouraging members to support the Labour Party in the forthcoming general election. ...
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Trade union membership edges up (320 words)

The TUC has welcomed the rise in union membership and union density (the proportion of employees who are union members) across the UK between 2022 ...
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Cullen steps down (150 words)

Pat Cullen has stepped down from her post as general secretary and chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to seek election to ...
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Congress House (126 words)

A full review by the TUC has concluded that the organisation should sell its grade 2 listed Congress House headquarters in central London and to seek ...
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European news

Warning on insecurity (78 words)

Esther Lynch, general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, has said that the results of elections to the European Parliament, where ...
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Bike delivery workers strike (83 words)

Bicycle deliveries in Vienna and other Austrian cities were interrupted last month as riders took strike action in support of their claim for higher ...
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Worker directors (76 words)

In German companies with more than 2,000 employees, half the members of the strategy-setting supervisory board should by law be employee ...
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Revised European Works Council legislation back on the agenda (375 words)

A revision to the existing European Works Council (EWC) directive, which would strengthen workers’ rights to be consulted, and impose more ...
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Main union confederations in France call on members to reject far right (237 words)

France’s two main union confederations, the CGT and the CFDT, have called on their members and supporters to reject the extreme right in the ...
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Tory record: years of cuts and attacks on workers (2,466 words)

Fourteen years of Tory government “have left working people poor, angry and desperate for change”, FBU firefighters’ union leader Matt Wrack ...
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Acting for health and safety? (2,163 words)

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HASWA) received Royal Assent 50 years ago on 31 July 1974. It was groundbreaking at the time and remains ...
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Are the helpers really helping? (1,995 words)

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) have become big business. These are companies used by organisations like health trusts, universities, the ...
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Law Matters

Guidance on holiday pay (334 words)

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has given guidance on matters relating to holiday pay, following the case of British Airways plc v De Mello and ...
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‘Worker’ status could be attributed to volunteers (327 words)

A volunteer could be a “worker” if they are entitled to be remunerated for their activities, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has decided in ...
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Protective awards (154 words)

An Order will come into force linked to the new Statutory Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement. ...
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Allocation of tips (86 words)

As reported in the Labour Research July 2023 issue, the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 was proposed to come into force in July 2024. But ...
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Law Queries

Q&A (743 words)

Acas certificates ...
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Law Back-up

The rules governing employment agencies (900 words)

In the Labour Research April 2024 issue, Back-up looked at agency workers’ rights to equal treatment in the Agency Workers Regulations 2010. ...
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Health & Safety Matters

Unions highlight poor state of buildings (240 words)

The government’s failure to fix NHS buildings is putting patients and staff at risk, say health unions. ...
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A third of Asda staff abused while at work (348 words)

A GMB general union poll of almost 1,000 Asda supermarket workers has revealed that around a third (35%) have been attacked or verbally abused at ...
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Women workers’ health affected by poor job quality (194 words)

The number of women who are economically inactive due to ill-health has increased by more than half a million over the last five years, with ...
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Health & Safety Back-up

Tory assault erodes health and safety (902 words)

The Conservative-led coalition government wasted no time in attacking health and safety law and enforcement after coming to power in May 2010. That ...
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Equality news

Widespread inequalities exist in arts and culture sectors (231 words)

A report by the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre and presented by Channel 4 News, reveals widespread inequalities in the arts, culture ...
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Artificial intelligence bill launched by TUC (332 words)

The TUC has launched its Artificial Intelligence (Regulation and Employment) Bill, declaring it “ready it go” (see also page 27). The Bill is a ...
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Campaign calls for implementation of duty (284 words)

The GFTU union federation is coordinating a campaign calling on all political parties to commit to the socio-economic duty in the Equality Act 2010. ...
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Workplace Back-up

Can I get strike pay if I take strike action? (966 words)

When workers strike there’s a strong chance that at least some of their earnings will be deducted. Many unions provide financial assistance, either ...
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