Fact Service July 2013

Issue 28

Workplace temperature

With the hot weather looking set to be with us for some time, the TUC has called on employers to be sensible and temporarily relax dress codes.

More importantly, the TUC would like to see the Health and Safety Executive amend the approved code of practice, which covers workplace conditions and introduce a new maximum legal temperature at work.

The TUC wants to see a maximum temperature of 30°C — or 27°C for those doing strenuous work — with employers asked to start thinking about cooling measures when the workplace temperature hits 24°C.

To keep work cool, the TUC would like to see employers:

• allow staff to adopt less formal attire - with jackets and ties out;

• distribute fans to staff and provide portable air cooling cabinets or install air conditioning and maintain it regularly, so that it doesn’t break down during a heat wave;

• allow flexible working so that staff can have the option of coming in earlier and staying later to avoid the sweltering conditions of the rush hour commute;

• move desks away from windows, draw blinds or install reflective film; and

• allow staff to take frequent breaks and provide a ready supply of cool drinks.
