Fact Service November 2014

Issue 44

2.5% for last pay round

Pay deals were stuck at a midpoint rise of 2.5%, an analysis of the collective agreements in the 2013-14 pay round has found.

The analysis in Fact Service’s monthly sister magazine, Workplace Report, reveals that the deals in the private sector managed to match the 2.5% overall midpoint rise.

However, the midpoint rise in the public sector was 1.5% in 2013-14 — up from 1.0% in 2012-13, reflecting, for example, the many separate deals that are negotiated in the civil service. However, it was small beer compared with successive pay freezes, pay caps and below-inflation settlements that have been imposed by central government policy or as a result of spending cuts.

More details of over 700 settlements are available by following the first link below. And the full analysis from Workplace Report is available through Labour Research Department's Publications Online by following the second link below.

