Fact Service March 2017

Issue 13

Consultation on caste discrimination

The Government Equalities Office has published a public consultation on caste discrimination, following a 2013 legislative option to add “caste” to the definition of “race” under the 2010 Equality Act.

The Act protects individuals against direct and indirect race discrimination, and harassment and victimisation on the ground of race in employment, as well as in education and the provision of services.

The consultation asks whether or not it is necessary to specifically add caste to the definition of race under the Act.

The consultation raises a potential concern around the explicit addition of caste to the Act — that it could generate more awareness of caste-based identity within British society.

For example, if the government was required to collect caste data as part of its public sector equality duty, this could be considered overly intrusive and potentially heighten caste consciousness.

Alternatively, the government could be required to have due regard to eliminating caste discrimination without being required to take other action involving the collection of caste information.

The consultation runs until 17 July 2017.

