Fact Service December 2021

Issue 48

Schools could face staff exodus

Schools are risking a potential “exodus” of support staff, public services union UNISON reports. A survey it carried out among teaching assistants, caretakers, cleaners and other support staff in England and Wales found that more than two in five (42%) are looking for better paid jobs.

An overwhelming majority (96%) of respondents said that their pay isn’t enough for them to cope with increasing prices, with three in 10 (31%) only taking home between £1,000 and £1,199 a month. A similar proportion earn less than £1,000 a month.

Seven in 10 (71%) said they were worried about paying their utility and council tax bills and more than four in 10 (47%) were concerned about paying their mortgage or rent.

A quarter (25%) said they have resorted to taking second or even third jobs. Over a third (35%) have borrowed money from friends and family in order to get by.
