Labour Research December 2006

Equality news

E-campaign encourages fathers to apply for flexible working

An "e-dads" advice service has been launched by the charity Working Families.

Particularly aimed at fathers - who, the charity has found, prefer to obtain information online rather than via phone helplines - the e-mail and text service answers questions about maternity and paternity leave and flexible working.

Texted or e-mailed queries will receive a reply in the same fashion, and while questioners can go on e-mailing or texting, they will be encouraged to talk directly to a phone helpline team for specialist advice.

Working Families chief executive Sarah Jackson, explained that 40% of UK fathers work more than 48 hours a week, "so the focus of the project is to give fathers information about their rights at work and encourage them to apply for flexible working hours".

The charity hopes the new service will lead many more men to contact the helpline and eventually make use of its free telephone coaching, which helps parents make a successful case for flexible working.

The number for texts is 07800 004722, and the e-mail address is [email protected]