Labour Research February 2022

European news

EU equality plan excludes two-thirds

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has criticised the current proposals for new EU legislation on the gender pay gap, arguing that it excludes too many workers.

As currently drafted, it requires organisations with at least 250 employees to produce a report on the pay of men and women and, in some circumstances, undertake a joint assessment with employee representatives.

However, the ETUC has pointed out that most workers are employed in smaller organisations, and only one third (33%) of the EU’s workforce will be covered by the new law.

In some countries, including some with large gender pay gaps, the proportion covered is much lower: just 12% in Greece, 17% in Cyprus and 21% in Italy, Latvia and Estonia.

The ETUC is calling on the European Parliament, which must agree the final shape of the proposal, to amend the planned law.