Workplace Report September 2006

Health & safety news

Right to use harassment legislation is upheld

The House of Lords has upheld a legal ruling which allows bullied workers to make use of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

Last year the Court of Appeal ruled that health policy researcher William Majrowski, who had suffered persistent homophobic bullying from his manager, could bring a claim against his employer under the Act (see Workplace Report, July 2005). And the Lords agreed when they heard the case on appeal in July (Majrowski v Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust [2006] UKHL 34).

The decision has been praised by unions in a range of industries and sectors. Kate Heasman from the UCU lecturers’ union said it was “a warning to employers that they have to deal with the widespread bullying that exists in many universities and colleges”, adding that it would be “particularly welcomed by gay staff.”