Workplace Report July 2012
Parental leave - Workplace Report's survey of negotiated maternity and paternity agreements analyses the basics and the best of such agreements; Earnings - A look behind the figures reveals the elements beyond basic pay that negotiators could address; Latest case law on dismissals, redundancies and transfers
Pay and prices
Workers’ living standards to improve? (240 words)
The latest data hold out some hope for an improvement in living standards. Pay settlements from LRD’s Payline database remained stable at 3.0% ... Open access
Labour Research Department three-monthly pay figures (223 words)
Percentage increases on lowest basic rates (by agreements covered). ... Open access
Full-time weekly average earnings (41 words)
Source: ASHE 2011 uprated by AWE. ... Open access
Average weekly earnings (AWE) (149 words)
Total pay including bonuses. Percentage annual ... Open access
Other pay analysts (25 words)
... Open access
Prices (74 words)
1 Retail prices index (RPI), Jan ... Open access
Inflation forecasts (31 words)
Fourth quarter 2012 ... Open access
Bargaining news
Threat to national pay agreement in NHS (702 words)
Draconian attacks on NHS workers’ pay and conditions are being considered by a group of 20 NHS employers in the South West of England in ... Subscribers only
Union wants civil service pay review body set up (457 words)
A pay review body for the wider civil service is just one of a range of ideas being put forward by specialists’ union Prospect in its ... Subscribers only
London tops income league (283 words)
Household incomes in London are way ahead of those in the rest of the country — nearly 30% above the UK average — new figures from the ... Subscribers only
Transport strikes averted (271 words)
Disputes on London buses and Virgin Trains have been averted with the acceptance of a £577 award for bus drivers represented by Unite and the ... Subscribers only
IT firm faces demand for Living Wage from unions (438 words)
A living wage of £15,000 is top of the list of demands being put forward by PCS members at Atos, the French-owned information technology ... Subscribers only
UK poverty researchers set minimum income standard (285 words)
A couple with two children needs nearly £37,000 a year to live comfortably, according to a report into living standards from the poverty ... Subscribers only
Facility time in civil service under attack (198 words)
The coalition government, prompted by the extreme right and their cronies in the so-called TaxPayers’ Alliance, are attacking the provision ... Open access
Southampton council (90 words)
Following the local elections in May when Labour regained control of Southampton City Council, the new leadership have been looking at ways to ... Open access
Equality news
Parents consider quitting work due to childcare costs (402 words)
The first childcare survey published since the government launched the Childcare Commission shows parents are turning down chances to work and are ... Subscribers only
Human rights helpline staff face the axe (367 words)
Workers who advise vulnerable and disabled people about their rights face being forced out of their jobs by a decision to privatise their work and ... Subscribers only
Employers face post-tribunal pay audits (207 words)
In response to the Modern Workplaces Consultation, the government has confirmed that employers who lose an employment tribunal equal pay case will ... Open access
Diversity in science (72 words)
Attempts to increase diversity in the scientific workforce are to be made through a government-funded programme to be run by the Royal Society, the ... Open access
Learning and training news
Unions slam loans scheme (197 words)
Government plans to press ahead with a loans scheme for further education (FE) students over the age of 24 have been strongly criticised by the TUC. ... Open access
North East partnership (53 words)
Retail workers’ union Usdaw and the POA prison officers’ association have signed up to working in partnership. The agreement cements ... Open access
Recruitment and organisation news
Report highlights benefits of facility time (458 words)
Facility time for trade union reps brings many benefits to the running of public sector workplaces and is not a drain on public resources, according ... Subscribers only
Recognition claims double (160 words)
A total of 43 applications for trade union recognition were received by the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) in the year ending 21 March 2012. ... Open access
European news
Rise in French national minimum wage more than legally required (697 words)
François Hollande, the recently elected socialist president of France, has kept his electoral promise and increased the national minimum wage ... Subscribers only
Pay rises but working week longer for Italian rail workers (335 words)
Unions representing employees in Italy’s largest rail company, Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) have signed an agreement which involves an increase ... Subscribers only
Law - TUPE
Transfers - the law (219 words)
The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) are intended to protect the rights of employees on the transfer of ... Open access
Early retirement benefits do transfer with employees (848 words)
The US multinational Procter & Gamble (P&G) manufactures domestic cleaning and hygiene products. In 2007, P&G agreed to sell its Family ... Subscribers only
Law - Dismissal
Dismissal - the law (427 words)
f Employees dismissed unfairly can go to a tribunal if they have been working for at least a year, although some types of dismissal do not require ... Subscribers only
Employer may discipline staff twice for same offence (819 words)
Ms Christou was a team manager in the safeguarding team of the children’s service department of the London Borough of Haringey. One of her ... Subscribers only
Doctor’s disciplinary did not engage human rights law (633 words)
Dr Mattu, a consultant cardiologist had been the subject of earlier disciplinary proceedings that had led to his suspension for around five years, ... Subscribers only
Law - Redundancy
Redundancy - the law (236 words)
A redundancy situation exists where an employer closes or intends to close the workplace or reduce the number of employees doing a particular kind ... Open access
Pay in lieu of notice is payable despite employee’s misconduct (743 words)
Mr Cavenagh was managing director of the London-based gun dealer William Evans Limited (WEL). The firm decided that Cavenagh’s post was ... Subscribers only
Health & safety news
Long working hours can affect a baby’s growth (312 words)
Pregnant workers should not work long hours or stand for prolonged periods, according to research published in Occupational and Environmental ... Subscribers only
Stresses of working in call centres (114 words)
the pressures on the physical and mental health of people working in call centres have been highlighted in a survey published by the UNISON public ... Open access
Exposure to diesel exhaust can cause lung cancer (245 words)
Diesel exhaust causes lung cancer and may also causes bladder cancer, according to experts. ... Open access
Workers killed while driving for a living (270 words)
A Labour MP is campaigning for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to be given a mandate to tackle the issue of safe driving by workers. ... Subscribers only
Health & safety - HSE Monitor
HSE points to best practice on getting rid of dust (387 words)
The HSE has reviewed the effectiveness of different methods of limiting workers’ exposure to ... Subscribers only
Consultation on changes to Approved Codes of practice (209 words)
The HSE has published a consultation on amendments to Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs). ... Open access
HSE cost recovery scheme (156 words)
Bad employers will soon have to reimburse the HSE under the Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations 2012. ... Open access
Radioactive matter (123 words)
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) is consulting for a second time on the storage of radioactive matter. ... Open access
Unions keep up pressure for improved deals for parents (2,922 words)
The pace of change on maternity and paternity rights has slowed considerably under the coalition government. However, collective bargaining has ... Open access
What can negotiators do to pull up workers’ earnings? (2,212 words)
Many employees have seen their earnings eroded since 2008 by factors beyond their basic pay level. Workplace Report looks in detail at the national ... Subscribers only