Workplace Report October 2012
2011-12 pay round - Pay has been going through a double-dip recession, an analysis of pay settlements from Labour Research Department's Payline database shows; Latest case law on discrimination
Pay and prices
Inflation and pay gap closes (246 words)
Pay settlements averaged 2.6% in the three months to September, according to the latest data from LRD’s Payline database. This median ... Open access
Labour Research Department three-monthly pay figures (223 words)
Percentage increases on lowest basic rates (by agreements covered). ... Open access
Full-time weekly average earnings (41 words)
Source: ASHE 2011 uprated by AWE. ... Open access
Annual increases in average weekly earnings (AWE) (146 words)
1 The latest three-month average. ... Open access
Other pay analysts (25 words)
... Open access
Prices (73 words)
1 Retail prices index, Jan ... Open access
Inflation forecasts (31 words)
Fourth quarter 2012 ... Open access
Bargaining news
Council unions claim ‘substantial’ increase (852 words)
The unions in local government, UNISON, GMB and Unite, have submitted a pay claim for 2013-14. It is for a “substantial flat rate increase on ... Subscribers only
Increase in workloads sparks action by lecturers (426 words)
Excessive workloads, and the stress they cause, led to strike action earlier this month by lecturers at the University of East London (UEL) and ... Subscribers only
Carillion apologises over blacklisting (294 words)
The GMB general union has welcomed the apology from building firm Carillion over its use of the blacklisters The Consulting Association. ... Subscribers only
Acas guidance on handling redundancy (284 words)
Conciliation service Acas has produced new guidance on redundancy handling. ... Subscribers only
Northern Ireland civil service review of pay and grading (444 words)
The civil service may still be in the grip of pay restraint, but that has not prevented negotiators in Northern Ireland reaching agreement on a ... Subscribers only
Holyrood follows Whitehall on public sector pay (296 words)
Last month, the devolved Scottish government published details of its public sector pay policy for 2013-14. ... Subscribers only
Two-year deal agreed at Jaguar Land Rover (196 words)
Members of the Unite general union at Jaguar Land Rover have voted overwhelmingly to accept a new pay deal. It is a two-year deal providing a total ... Open access
Scottish graphic pay rise (84 words)
General union Unite have reached agreement with employers in the graphic industry in Scotland, covering over 700 workers under the Graphic ... Open access
Equality news
Businesses must invest in young people to succeed (388 words)
A quarter of employers have not employed anyone aged 16-24 in the last year, and only 56% plan to do so in the coming year, according to the human ... Subscribers only
Banks take top honours in family-friendly awards (255 words)
Financial institutions dominate the list of top 10 employers for working families as judged in a competition run by work-life balance charity ... Subscribers only
Young disabled people (92 words)
The employment chances of young disabled job seekers have been enhanced by a new employer subsidy. Employers can now claim a wage incentive of up to ... Open access
Royal Mail boss supports quotas for women (118 words)
Support for quotas to achieve proper representation for women at all levels in business has come from an unlikely source — the chief ... Open access
Age discrimination ban (75 words)
A ban on age discrimination in the provision of services came into force on 1 October. ... Open access
Learning and training news
TUC targets access to apprenticeships for BME youth (246 words)
The TUC has published guidance for union negotiators to help tackle race equality and apprenticeships so that young black and minority ethnic (BME) ... Open access
Recruitment and organisation news
Recognition struggles and successes (466 words)
Lecturers at Bournemouth University have agreed to hold an industrial action ballot over “effective derecognition” of their union, the ... Subscribers only
Union facility time faces cut (167 words)
Civil service union PCS will “robustly” resist moves to slash its ability to help members, says general secretary Mark Serwotka. ... Open access
European news
Canal+ TV agrees to three-year teleworking deal (451 words)
The French TV station Canal+ has reached agreement with the majority of unions representing its employees on arrangements for teleworking or working ... Subscribers only
Minimum wage plans in Poland and Bulgaria (293 words)
The minimum wage is up for change in two EU member states. ... Subscribers only
Dutch unions go for 2.5% rise next year (164 words)
FNV, the largest union confederation in the Netherlands, is proposing that next year its negotiators will ask for a maximum 2.5% pay increase, ... Open access
BMW agrees to limit use of agency workers (116 words)
German car maker BMW has agreed with the union IG Metall that it will take on 3,000 new permanent employees, largely drawn from its existing agency ... Open access
Law - Discrimination
Discrimination - the law (665 words)
Since 1 October 2010, discrimination law has been contained in the Equality Act 2010 (EA 2010). With a few notable exceptions, the laws in EA 2010 ... Subscribers only
Claimant must identify series of discriminatory incidents (847 words)
Mr Chikwe, a black Afro-Caribbean man, brought claims for race and age discrimination against his employer, the Mouchel Group where he worked as a ... Subscribers only
‘Astounding’ differences in approach by health board (533 words)
Mrs Sumithra Hewage was a consultant orthodontist of Sri Lankan nationality and a head of department with the Grampian Health Board. She worked for ... Subscribers only
Duty to make reasonable adjustment during sick leave (503 words)
Mr Olenloa worked in the stroke unit of the North West London Hospitals NHS Trust as a band 6 clinical team leader. He suffered from a disability ... Subscribers only
When burden of proof shifts to employer on discrimination (374 words)
Two employees worked in a family support role in a local authority school — the claimant, Ms Millwood, who was black British, and her ... Subscribers only
Tribunal wrong to strike out discrimination claim (325 words)
Ms Timbo was employed as an equalities officer for the Greenwich Council for Racial Equality. She was summarily dismissed seven months into her ... Subscribers only
Employer pays price for not calling important witnesses (476 words)
Ms Harrold made claims of race discrimination in the Employment Tribunal against her employer, the North Bristol NHS Trust. The claims were ... Subscribers only
Claimant failed to identify ‘less favourable treatment’ (493 words)
In this case the claimant, Ms Rose, worked as a science teacher at the Lambeth Academy, run by the United Learning Trust. ... Subscribers only
Health & safety news
Do’s and don’ts to keep older staff working safely (362 words)
The HSE has produced a study into the impact of working beyond the age of 65 for people carrying out safety critical functions. ... Subscribers only
Job worries leads to stress and admission to hospital (338 words)
Increased hospital admissions for stress have been linked to job insecurity, according to new research. ... Subscribers only
Stress put in spotlight at media firms call centres (268 words)
A survey on the stress suffered by call centre staff at three media companies — Virgin Media, Everything Everywhere and TalkTalk — was ... Subscribers only
Health & safety - HSE Monitor
Guidance on working with nanomaterials (400 words)
New guidance on the safe handling of nanomaterials has been produced by the UK NanoSafety Partnership Group in conjunction with the HSE. ... Subscribers only
How to keep metalworking fluids off skin (270 words)
How can individuals in metalworking workshops protect themselves? ... Subscribers only
HSE tips for roofers on tiles (284 words)
The way roofers are supposed to cut tiles has changed and from 1 October using a cut-off saw to dry cut valley tiles is no longer permitted. ... Subscribers only
Double-dip recession hits settlements in last pay round (4,948 words)
Union negotiators have had to operate in the difficult environment of a double-dip economic recession and a government intent of pursuing its failed ... Open access