Workplace Report April 2000

Features: Health and safety

UNISON publishes stress guide for safety reps

Public services union Unison has published a new guide on tackling workplace stress. The union argues that half a million people a year have their physical or mental health affected by stress at work.

The guidance is aimed at the union's safety reps and tells them what needs to be done to prevent stress and enforce the law. Hugh Robertson, Unison head of health and safety said: "We want employers to take threats of stress seriously and work with safety representatives to prevent employees having their lives ruined by stress. Where employers fail in this duty we will demand that government and local authority enforcement officers take action against them".

Stress at work - a guide for safety reps (stock no. 1725) is available from Unison's Communications Despatch, 1 Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9AJ.