Workplace Report

Current issue (October 2024)

Editor note: A different - if not new approach to work – Pay and prices Pay View Cost of living – News Bargaining Pay Europe Equality Training – Law in action – Case Law Discrimination Minimum wage TUPE NHS restructure 15 Vaccine refusal 18 – Features AI, algorithms and collective bargaining The right to disconnect: how does it work in Europe.

Workplace Report all issues

Workplace Report continues to be ahead in providing information you need on the latest developments on pay and conditions, best practice and news on pay deals.

Workplace Report now includes more employment law coverage. Its centre section provides a unique update on case law developments in two areas of employment law each month. Workplace Report also regularly covers recruitment and organisation as well as learning and training at work. It continues to provide news on health and safety, equality, pensions and bargaining developments in Europe.

Each month Workplace Report will cover key issues in-depth in features or surveys based on survey information from LRD's 1,000-plus workplace contacts.