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[72 pages] | November 2012 |
Bullying and harassment at work - a guide for trade unionists | |
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Bullying and harassment is on the rise in UK workplaces. This behaviour thrives in conditions of economic uncertainty, with pressures on employers to achieve targets at any cost added to insecure work models such as 'zero hours' contracts and agency working. This new LRD guide offers advice and gives examples of best practice on tackling bullying and harassment in the workplace. It also looks at the work being done by unions to tackle the problem, including details of relevant case studies and recent developments.[More ...] | |
[63 pages] | October 2012 |
Employment tribunals - a practical guide for trade unionists | |
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The coalition government is pursuing a programme of radical employment law reforms. There have been significant changes already affecting Employment Tribunals and further reform is due in 2013, most significantly the introduction of fees. Now more than ever, trade union representatives need to be confident they know how to navigate the tribunal process. This booklet is designed to help reps get a clear understanding of how tribunals operate in order to improve the chance of claims being accepted and effectively managed to the hearing stage.[More ...] | |
There are supplementary documents free to Download associated with this publication | |
[80 pages] | September 2012 |
Disciplinary and grievance procedures - a practical guide for union reps | |
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The work of reps in advising and representing members in formal hearings has never been more important, both on an individual and a collective level. What happens in internal disciplinaries and grievance meetings is crucial in terms of providing workers with the best chance of keeping their jobs and addressing their concerns. This LRD booklet provides practical advice and support for reps of members who are facing a disciplinary hearing or considering whether to lodge a grievance.[More ...] | |
[208 pages] | August 2012 |
Health and safety law 2012 | |
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Health and safety law 2012 provides a fully updated guide to UK law on health and safety at work. It includes information about changes to regulations and new guidance issued in the past year, as well as details of important court cases. This edition looks in detail at the government commissioned Löfstedt review of health and safety regulation and addresses future likely changes arising from the current deregulation agenda.[More ...] | |
[368 pages] | July 2012 |
Law at work 2012 | |
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Law at work 2012 is a comprehensive, up-to-date guide to employment legislation in force up to June 2012. Written in clear language, LRD's popular, annually updated guide provides the information to help establish your rights in the workplace, giving details of the relevant law and summaries of important cases. This edition also includes full details of proposals in the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill.[More ...] | |
[60 pages] | June 2012 |
Green unions at work 2012 | |
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This booklet presents the results of the TUC's green workplaces survey 2012. It provides powerful evidence of the many and diverse ways unions are tackling environmental issues at work, and suggests how much more could be achieved if workplace union environment reps had legal rights. The report demonstrates the commitment of union reps to the green agenda, and shows how they are in a unique position to gather support at all organisational levels for sustainable green workplace initiatives.[More ...] | |
[63 pages] | May 2012 |
Preventing injury at work - a union reps' guide to musculoskeletal disorders | |
Price: £6.60 | Buy | Discounts | Subscribe | |
Back pain, RSI and other upper and lower limb disorders, known collectively as muskuloskeletal disorders (MSDs), continue to account for the highest number of injuries reported to the Health and Safety Executive. This booklet gives union reps and workers the information they need to ensure that employers take action to prevent MSDs, as well as how to support workers who may develop MSDs.[More ...] | |
[80 pages] | April 2012 |
Safety, health and equality at work - a practical guide for trade unionists | |
Price: £7.30 | Buy | Discounts | Subscribe | |
Union reps need to be aware of the connections between safety, health and equality to ensure equal access to health and safety at work for all workers. This booklet contains examples of model policies, checklists and information on other measures covering health and safety in relation to gender, black and minority ethnic (BME) and migrant workers, disabled and older and younger workers, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers.[More ...] | |
[80 pages] | March 2012 |
State benefits and tax credits 2012 | |
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LRD's annual guide gives union reps access to the current rates for state benefits and tax credits and the basic rules for qualification. It enables them to provide initial entitlement advice to members, setting out who is eligible, how much is payable, how to claim and where to get further advice. It covers Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, parental pay and leave, benefits relating to housing, sickness and injury at work and pension entitlements.[More ...] | |
[72 pages] | February 2012 |
Social media, monitoring and surveillance at work - a practical guide for trade unionists | |
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Employers now have access to new and varied opportunities to engage in both overt and covert surveillance of their employees. This booklet summarises the key legislation and case law covering privacy at work. It brings reps up to date with union activity to combat invasion of privacy in the workplace, using examples of gains negotiated by union reps in a variety of sectors.[More ...] | |
[117 pages] | January 2012 |
Case law at work - 8th edition | |
Price: £10.90 | Buy | Discounts | Subscribe | |
This is the eighth edition of Case law at work, the LRD's unique source of information on recent employment law cases. It contains clear summaries and updates of important cases decided by the appeal courts, many of which are not contained in other legal guides. It is published as a companion to our annual best-seller Law at work.[More ...] | |
Save 30% when you buy all eighteen editions of Case law at work - See Case Law at Work series for details. |