LRD Booklets Subscriptions
The booklets are very good, they are an intelligent but easy to read guide to all the issues likely to come
up in dealing with members from Trade Union law to Health & Safety issues.
Dennis Gibbons, Treasurer Leeds NUT, on behalf of the Executive Committee
An annual subscription to LRD Booklets generally consists of 7-8 booklets, including the annually updated
When you subscribe we will also send you the latest two booklets and a publications samples pack.Benefits of affiliation to the Labour Research Department include a subscription to LRD booklets. Affiliated organisations frequently purchase additional subscriptions to LRD booklets for their members.
You can save £5 if you subscribe to LRD booklets together with any other publication today.
A subscription to LRD guides and handbook costs £105.00 (£64.50 for affiliates).